Free up resources for
development and growth

✔ Improve service and quality for internal and external customers

✔ Reduce costs for handling compliance and risks

✔ Enhance employee satisfaction by removing repetitive work


With Robotic Process Automation, RPA, you can facilitate the monotonous, repetitive tasks of your employees and streamline processes. By using RPA your business can expand beyond traditional business hours.

The software, the robot, becomes your digital employee who can be used for situations and tasks that have a high level of staff throughput. It can also be used to increase the quality of implementation and processes as it works entirely on a rules basis.

The RPA technology can be used to support your knowledge workers by having the robot performing certain tasks. Your employees can interact with the robot to add information and decisions to the process and the robot manages the scalability of work load.

The benefits of RPA

A software robot mimicks the work that an employee would normally do. It makes decision based on defined rules and handle exceptions. It Integrates seamlessly with existing applications by logging in as employees would do.

With RPA you can transform and automate existing processes, without expensive IT projects. Enhance employee satisfaction by removing repetitive work.

Improve service for internal and external customers and reduce costs for handling compliance and risks at the same time.

Our approach is practical

Precio Fishbone are 260 employees in five countries, we have been digitalizing manual work for 20 years with innovative applications and products. RPA is one of the central ways we see that customers can digitize work quickly and cost efficiently.

Automation and digital process solutions are at the core of what we do.

Practical approach with focus on the whole RPA lifecycle and security

Experience within the public, finance and logistics sectors

Local consultants in Denmark, Sweden and Vietnam

Of course you should test first – do a POC

Right now we offer our customers an opportunity to test the concept RPA at a fixed price.

You will have the opportunity from a POC to proceed with an initial introduction of an automated process. At the same time your organization builds up knowledge about RPA, its benefits and opportunities and how to evaluate processes. You will gain in-depth insight into which processes are appropriate and which are not and get the basis for creating an automation strategy and target image.

Contact us

We are with you all the way

To implement RPA, we believe, is to enter a journey. This obviously presupposes that RPA is seen as an opportunity to support the business in the long term. 

Like so many other IT systems, RPA also requires active management and internal support in introducing automation in the different parts of the business. Since RPA is essentially based on the processes of the current business, it is important to create an organization that stays up to date in competence with the automated processes and that can adjust the robot in the event of the process changes.

Precio Fishbone helps your organization to establish an internal Competence Center. Depending on the organization's long-term goals, we can support you in the short term under construction, or also be part of the knowledge center.

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